Proxy Weddings in Kansas – What You Need to Know

In Kansas, a proxy wedding offers an unconventional solution for couples when one of them is unable to attend the ceremony. Marriage is a great event in anyone’s life; planning and decorating and family, however, unfortunate things can occur in life. Things like one of the partners being imprisoned or hospitalized, someone being on deployment…

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Who is Weddings by Proxy?


Weddings by Proxy is a company that is dedicated to helping couples obtain an official US Marriage license when circumstances are not in their favor. Our location in Overland Park, Kansas, gives us the unique ability to facilitate Proxy Marriages that must happen in the State of Kansas. Pastor Nancy helps individuals with all different scenarios!…

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Proxy Weddings in Kansas

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A proxy wedding, also known as a proxy marriage or a proxy ceremony, is a type of marriage ceremony in which one party is not physically present. Instead, they are represented by proxies, who stand in for them during the wedding ceremony and exchange vows on their behalf. A proxy wedding is often conducted for…

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Kansas Proxy Wedding – What Is It?

If you’re wondering what a Kansas Proxy Wedding is, you’ve come to the right place. In short – a Kansas proxy wedding is a type of wedding ceremony where one or both individuals getting married are not physically present. Weddings By Proxy has been helping couples for years! The reasons for needing a proxy marriage can be…

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